verKORKst Ladengeschäft in Bad Tölz

We have moved into new sales rooms

You can now find us and our unique cork items at Marktstraße 73 in Bad Tölz. The shop is ideally located, just 50 meters above the pedestrian zone, directly below the Khanturm and opposite the Rid department store.

The new shop, with over 130 square meters of space, offers you the opportunity to choose from an even larger range. We can also perfectly implement our idea of ​​a glass workshop there and you can see for yourself that each unique item is made under the motto "handmade with love".

In addition to our globally unique handicrafts and decorative items made from the most sustainable material on earth, we also offer you high-quality and sustainable products from selected regional producers.

verKORKst is more than decoration and more than a gift item. It is a way of life: the respectful treatment of people and nature.

Verkorkst ladengeschäft