verKORKste Geschichten Teil 1

Wonderful and wondrous stories

Our unique pieces made from the most sustainable material on earth, which are unique worldwide, often attract very special people. This often leads to extraordinary encounters and experiences. That is why we have decided to create a new section for you under News entitled "corrupted stories". Here you will hear about wonderful and wondrous experiences and stories at irregular intervals.

One encounter in particular has remained in our thoughts and hearts: A young, blind woman walked past our stand at the Summer Tollwood and said to her partner: "Stop! There's something very special here. I'm being filled with an incredibly positive energy right now."

The young lady decided on a small lantern and didn't want to let it go. And although she will never see this lantern, she just wants to sense and feel it. In the spiritual world, cork oak and cork bark are said to have a special energy. This experience confirms this in an impressive way.

Stay healthy and sustainable everyone!

Verkorkste geschichten